Thursday, January 18, 2018

Bug List

1. Traffic after 2:00pm in Gainesville
Why?  There are lots of people in Gainesville trying to get places.

2.  Coffee from Starbucks is expensive
Why?  Because people will buy it anyway

3.  The gym is packed at the beginning of the semester
Why?  New students at UF want to workout

4.  My boyfriends hair sheds... everywhere
Why?  Humans shed

5.  7:25 am class
Why?  7:25 am isn't early to some people

6.  My roommate never takes out the trash
Why? She hates doing it

7.  Running out of laundry detergent
Why?  I forgot to buy more

8.  The unorganized layout of Forever 21
Why?  They want you to spend hours in the store

9.  Trying on clothes when shopping
Why?  So you don't buy something that doesn't fit

10.  Lululemon leggings are so expensive
Why?  Because the material feels like heaven

11. Getting sick at the beginning of the semester
Why? New people = New germs

12. People who smell like B.O.
Why?  They don't shower... they probably do, but they probably don't wear deodorant

13.  23 degree weather in FL
Why? Climate change

14.  Crowded public transportation
Why? Lots of people have to go places

15.  Pedestrians walking in the cross-walk while looking at their phone
Why?  They think what they're looking at on their phone is more important than paying attention to their surroundings

16.  Fad diets!
Why?  People are too lazy to put in the work and control what they put in their mouths... *face palm*

17.  Syllabus quizzes
Why?  To ensure you read the syllabus... (I didn't)

18.  Textbooks are hella expensive
Why?  Someone is trying to profit off of broke college kids

19.  When my car is dirty
Why? I need to wash it

20.  The UFPD and GPD NEVER catch the 'suspects' from UF alerts
Why?  They suck... or maybe they're just preoccupied with less important stuff

Reflection:  I realized multiple things that bug me have to do with spending money... and that I'm really broke.  I was surprised how long this took me, considering I'm "bugged" by things veryyyy frequently.


  1. I could not agree more with your “bug” about traffic in Gainesville. Every time I need to go somewhere around 4 or 5pm I just accept that the ride is going to be at least 30 minutes of stop and go. Also, your bug about fad diets hit home with me. I’m really into fitness and nutrition and I always see people doing these crazy diets they saw online which make no sense at all. Sticking to the basics of nutrition makes much more sense to me.

  2. Hi Megan, great post! I really relate with some of your items on your bug list. One of my favorites was the UFPD and GPD never being able to catch suspects. Every time I get an alert that there is a suspect on the loose, it always ends with an update saying that the area is clear but that the suspect has not been found. Definitely does not make me feel safe.
