Thursday, January 18, 2018

I Became an Entrepreneur When I Said "F*** It!"

I was really smart growing up.  I always had straight A's, I loved math, was on the robotics team, graduated top of my class.. you get the picture.  That being said, my family had high expectations of me for the future.  I was to go to college, get a degree, then go work and make a sustainable income.

In addition to being smart, I was also athletic.  I ran track and cross-country, played softball, and was a cheerleader.  When my high-school athletic career was over, I took up the gym.  I started lifting weights and researching nutrition.  I became a junkie for all things health and fitness. But, as you can imagine my family steered me away from my passion for health and fitness and into a more 'realistic,' 'sustainable,' career...  Engineering.

So, in 2014 I began my undergrad at UF as a mechanical engineering major.  In case you don't know, the engineering program at UF is dreadful, miserable, arduous... *cringe*.  My struggle began immediately, failing classes, repeating them, and hating every second of it.  I fought to stick it out for two years because I'm the kind of person who won't be told I can't do something... If I'm going to quit it's going to be on my terms.

In the fall of 2016 I became an entrepreneur when  I said "F*** it!"  I withdrew from the semester and decided  to stop pursuing a degree that made me miserable just because it was "sustainable,"  or thats what my family wanted me to do.  I decided I would change my major to the only thing I'm truly passionate about, and I'd figure out the rest as I go.

Now I'm an APK (Applied Physiology and Kinesiology) major, and I love every second of it.  I'm learning about what truly makes me happy, everyday.  I'm also working as a personal trainer, and my future plans are to have my own online fitness coaching business.  I said "F***" the norm, "F***" comfortable, sustainable, predictable... I'm going to make my own path, regardless of what it takes, regardless of what uncertainties I have to face.

Lastly,  I enrolled in ENT 3003 because it is an elective for my degree, and after realizing my entrepreneurial goals, I though this class could teach me something.

1 comment:

  1. Megan, we actually have a really similar path to fitness. I grew up playing baseball 12 months a year never having a break. My parents always had incredibly high expectations for my baseball career. Needless to say, they weren’t the happiest campers when I told them I wasn’t going to play in college and instead wanted to pursue other hobbies. That move changed my life. I started to get into the gym for the first time and follow some of the popular fitness icons and my love of fitness and nutrition hasn’t stopped since.
