Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Halfway Reflection

1) Tenaciousness is a competency
Since this is an online course I scheduled watching the lectures to the same day/time every week as if this was a regularly scheduled, in person class.  In addition to that, when I'm on campus and have a few hours to kill between my classes I work on writing my blog posts.  And last but not least I write everything down in a planner, when posts are due, when to watch the lectures, when peer reviews are due etc.
2) Tenaciousness is also about attitude
I recently felt like "giving up" when I realized I did an assignment but forgot to submit the URL to that post, meaning I don't get credit for my work, and I lose the opportunity for an additional point from the peer review.  I was frustrated and discouraged, but I decided to brush it off because there was nothing I could do at that point... and just move forward.  So Monday of this week I did the whole week's assignments (and submitted the URL's) and now I'm working on next week's assignments... So, I learned from my mistake, and now I'm ahead of the class in result.
So yes, I think that negative experience lit a fire under my a** and kicked me into gear.  It motivated me to be tenacious and proactive.
3) Three tips
I definitely think the skills that support tenacity can be developed further...
1. Plan, Plan, Plan!  Make a weekly plan dedicating time to each class/assignment!
2. Get Ahead!!- I know Pryor tells us this... & tbh I didn't listen at first, but it is such beneficial advice.  Some assignments you won't want to do... or you'll catch the flu... either way getting ahead leaves you room for slip ups, sick days etc.
Lastly I don't know if tenacity is something someone can "develop" or if it's more of a characteristic/trait.  In my opinion you either have it or you don't.  What I can say is if you want to be tenacious about something, you have to choose it, and commit to it. Period.  There's no questioning it, or doubting it.  You just do what you have to do until the work is done.
So I  guess;
3.  Decide what grade you want in this class, then do the work to get it... it's pretty simple.


  1. Hi Megan! I really enjoy reading your tips and listening to a different perspective on how to approach this course. On the other hand, I do believe that tenacity is something that can be developed within a person. It is challenging and does not come easy, but great things truly do take time. Learning from experiences is the best way to approach any given situation, and I am glad that you have taken on that same mentality. Awesome tips!

  2. I think your halfway assignment was a great way to share with others how you've been so successful in this course so far. I agree that the planning ahead aspect of this class is crucial. I wouldn't say the work is hard, but it is time consuming so I think knocking it out early helps. Good luck with the second half of the course.

  3. Great post Megan! I think you have some great tips for the class. I also think that planning is key to this class. It is easy to get behind in this class and planning goes a long way. I would be very upset at myself if I caused myself to lose points, so planning is a good way to avoid that.
