Friday, March 16, 2018

Customer Avatar

Avatar 1: NPC Bikini competitor- female looking to take their physique to the next level and compete

Avatar 2: Lifestyle Client- female looking to improve overall health/physique for general health purposes

 What do you have in common with the customer avatar? 

This avatar has described myself at different points in time.  I previously made a change to improve my fitness/physique for general purposes.  Now, I am currently training for a specific goal- to compete in an NPC bikini competition, and take my physique beyond that of a lifestyle client.

If you have anything in common with the avatar, do you think that is a coincidence? Why?

This isn't a coincidence.  My fitness journey is representative of my passion for health/fitness.  During my journey I have realized my passion for sharing my experiences and helping others reach their fitness goals.  I'm seeking to coach mostly female clients, who want to reach their goals in the healthiest way possible, while utilizing flexible dieting, and resistance training.  I want to provide education and guidance to women who are experiencing things I have already experienced and am passionate about. 


  1. Megan, I think something that's really going to help set you apart from other trainers is the fact that you, yourself are currently trying to compete as well. It's hard to take advice from people when they aren't actively doing the same thing you're trying to accomplish. But having someone like yourself, giving them guidance and sticking to the routine with them will help.

  2. Hi Megan! Your passion and knowledge of fitness will take you down a long and successful path. It seems as though this a personal love that you have since you have been through the journey of physical fitness yourself, and the love that you have is what will drive you to help others. People in your target audience are on their own wellness journeys, so it’s important to meet people where they are at.

  3. It is great that you have so much in common with the two customer avatars. This allows you to put yourself in the customers' shoes. Also, having been in their positions, you yourself are a testament to your work. This gives you a unique advantage over other entrepreneurs. Fitness and health being passions of yours also really sets you up well to succeed.
