Friday, March 16, 2018

Elevator Pitch 2

2) A reflection on the feedback you received from your last pitch. 
I didn't receive feedback, as I did not complete elevator pitch 1.
3) What did you change, based on the feedback?
I didn't make changes, since I didn't do the previous elevator pitch.

Since this is my first go... I know it sucks... lol
I'll work on it 


  1. There were two main things I noticed about your elevator pitch that stood out and was a success. Firstly, your pace, the pace was nice and smooth where it wasn't hard to follow or understand, but rather laid out. Secondly, I liked how you kept saying "you" and made it feel very personalized for your audience, I think this would have helped if our pitch's were actually for real.

  2. Hi Megan! I am glad you decided to complete the elevator pitch even if you did not do it the first time. You did a wonderful job! You kept eye contact with the viewer and used a nice tone of voice. Usually it would be best to wear professional clothing when pitching a business concept. But it actually was best for you to wear your work out clothes because it made you seem more credible and comfortable.

  3. Great elevator pitch, Megan! Your overall tone and pace was very good. It made your message clear and would be good for keeping an audience engaged. dAlso, I thought you did a good job of relaying your message as if it was to one person, rather than an impersonal message to many people. I think this is crucial since personal training relies heavily on personal relationships.
