Friday, March 16, 2018

Secret Sauce

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.
1. Passion-  I'm an extremely passionate person.  When I care about something, I become fully invested in it.  My passion for health and fitness started when I was around 16, and has only grown since. Not only am I pursuing a degree in APK, but in my spare time I'm watching videos, doing my own research, and reading up on training/nutrition/etc. because I love it so much.
2. Dedication-  When I want something, I dedicate myself to it 150% until it's accomplished.  I think I started to realize this when I played sports as a kid, from cross-country and track, to softball, to tumbling and cheering, and now fitness/ business, when I decide I want something, I don't stop until I get it.
3. Knowledge/ Credentials- BS in applied physiology and kinesiology, ISSA certified personal trainer, NPC bikini competitor
4. Always learning-  I love to learn new things.  I never feel like "I know it all" or ever will...  I'm constantly trying to learn more about my field, and expand my knowledge.
5. I relate to others-  I enjoy connecting with others, and feel like I'm easy to talk to/get along with, and I often feel like I can relate to others.  This will help me to build relationships with clients in the future.

2) Interview the five people who know you the best. 
1. Mom-  My mom said I found what I love and I'm doing what makes me happy.  Also that I'm "totally motivated."
2. Uncle- My uncle also mentioned that I found what I'm passionate about, and that doing what I love is going to be rewarding in the future. And that I'm smart enough to develop whatever skills I may need down the road.

Mom and uncle in this video below:

3. Boyfriend- My boyfriend said that I'm driven and have the persistence to accomplish my goals.  And that I'm knowledgable about this stuff.

4. Dad- My dad doesn't have facetime but I'll insert a photo of a text message he sent me below.  He said "i'm glad you found something you love enough to work hard at and make sacrifices to get what you want out of it."  This represents my passion for what I do, and my dedication to my goals - by being willing to make short term sacrifices for long term reward.
3) Reflect on the differences. 

I feel like my opinion of myself doesn't differ much from the opinions of others.  I know what my work ethic is like, and that I have the intrinsic motivation and drive to accomplish what I set my mind to.  I feel like my Dad plays a role in that with the values he taught me growing up... So I'm not really surprised by any of their answers.
I wouldn't revise my list.  I think it represented what others had to say about me.


  1. I think it's great that you didn't have differences from what your friends and family said. One thing that shows is that your very self-aware and your give off the same personality that you expect. Also, I think it's very helpful that you have intrinsic motivation. We live in a world now where everything is displayed and often times the extrinsic motivation is the only thing moving us towards our goals.

  2. Hi Megan! Your family seems very aware of who you are as a person, and I am glad that you see yourself in the same light. It is evident that family and friends have a huge influence on how we see ourselves. When it comes to values, I truly uphold and cherish everything my parents taught me as well. It’s nice to see that others define themselves by the great upbringings they had.

  3. It is clear that you are very self aware and know what you are capable of. This is evident from the similarities between what you believed makes you unique and what those who know you best had to say about you. Both what you said and what they said were vey similar, and they were all traits that make a great entrepreneur.
