Thursday, March 29, 2018

Elevator Pitch 3

I didn't really receive feedback to change much.  I received positive feedback, about speaking directly to "you" and making my message seem personal.  Someone said I should dress more professional, but I politely disagree, no one wants to take fitness advice from someone in a suit and tie.

Finally, I chose a different area to record this time, with better lighting, and I prefer my relaxed body language in this one.  Also,  I was way less nervous to record this one after doing the previous one, but also because I did it the day before rather than a few hours before the due date (whoops).


  1. Hi Megan! Compared to your first elevator pitch (which was already pretty great), I believe you improved very much in your presentation. The change of lighting really helped out a lot. I totally agree that your sporty attire really goes well with your pitch. Your target audience would take you more seriously when you are wearing the work out clothes you are comfortable in. Glad that you did this one ahead of time. Great job!

  2. You made a great point about your dress attire. I would say 90% of pitches need to be in dress attire, however your demographic and industry is completely different. It may look odd to show up in a pants suit or dress that doesn't actually display your true self. Truthfully, I didn't dress up either but it was just because I was too lazy for the assignment.

  3. Great elevator pitch! You definitely seem more comfortable and poised this time around. Also, I thought it was a great idea to wear sport clothing, since your field calls for you to be in those clothes rather than more professional clothes. Your tone and pace were great. Only thing I would suggest is a couple hand movements in order to get the audience engaged.
