Monday, April 16, 2018

Final Reflection

The most dreaded experience was the elevator pitch... I didn't even do the first one, the second one was cringey and the third one was much better. 
Interviewing other people for this class was super awkward at times... But I have become more comfortable talking to people, because I realize were all humans, and people are more relatable than I thought... lol
I don't have one experience that stands out the most, but I feel like the class overall, made me break down my vision/thoughts into real life concepts, and then put them all together.  It makes me feel as if my business plan is much more real, and much closer to being established than before this semester when it was just a thought floating around in my mind.

I think in some ways I have moved closer to an entrepreneurial mindset, but not in the general sense. I don't think I'm very creative in finding opportunities in everyday life, I think I just found an opportunity that is personal and holds value to me.  I feel more like an entrepreneur in the sense that my business concept is way more real, and like I said, not just a thought floating around in my mind.  I'm also a firm believer in the law of attraction and speaking things into existence, so I think this class will be the first step in me really truly building my brand and my coaching business.  That is way more than I expected to get out of this class.  Someone told me it was an easy A, and I definitely didn't think this class would be so insightful... But I was pleasantly surprised.

I think students will get the most out of this class if they have something they are truly passionate about and actually want to pursue in real life, like myself.  As opposed to identifying a random need in everyday life and making stuff up for each assignment they don't actually care about enough to pursue outside of this class.  I know not everyone has this, and I guess they could still benefit from the latter, but I would encourage students to turn their passions into their business plan, rather than creating some imaginary product.


  1. Hi Megan! Those elevator pitches were absolutely cringey to make. It was probably one of the most awkward experiences of my life. But I am glad that you overcame your worries over making one. As humans, we are way more related than we think! I am glad that you got a lot of insights out of this class because I definitely learned a lot from you, too. Good luck on your future endeavors, and stay passionate!

  2. I absolutely agree that the elevator pitches were extremely awkward experiences. They were just about the hardest part of the class for me, and I definitely considered not doing it at all, so I totally get why you chose to pass on the first one. I can relate to your increased comfort over the course of doing the elevator pitches.
