Thursday, April 12, 2018

Reading Reflection 3

The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users, Guy Kawasaki

1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
This book is basically explaining advice/tips for developing a successful social media account.  The book addresses 4 topics: how to build a foundation, how to feed the content monster, how to attract more followers, and how to integrate social media and blogging.

2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
This book somewhat connected with what we've learned in this class because we've leaned about marketing our audience.  And depending on your product/service social media could be a HUGE marketing tool for a lot of people's businesses.  Mine for example targets the fitness industry, and social media is pretty much a cornerstone in building a successful business in the fitness industry now a days.  If you aren't relevant and popular on social media today, you won't really be recognized in the fitness industry.

3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
I would make students create an Instagram profile or Facebook page for their business plan.  This would include a proper profile photo, bio- including links to email/website/blog/linked in profile etc.  Then 3-5 posts relevant to their business plan with the intention of marketing.  I would encourage students to create their own business graphics, using an app like Canva.  I would include all of these components because they are all tools that students would benefit from learning, and could potentially help them market and grow their business in the future.

4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?

One thing that was an "aha" moment for me was when he explained profile photos.  He said that a good profile photo is important for building a foundation, and that a good profile photo should be your face, should be asymmetrical, and it should be bold- convincing people you are likable, trust worthy and competent.  I picked up my phone and went on Instagram after this and that was when I said "aha."  Do it now, you'll get it too.

And lastly one thing I thought was good advice was to only "go three rounds."  What he means by this is if someone is commenting on your content being negative/hating etc.  Only go three rounds of engaging with them.  If they comment something negative (round1), you can respond something back(round 2), if they comment back (round 3), don't reply.  That's it, 3 rounds.  He explains that you should treat your social media platform as a linked in account, in the sense that you handle it responsibly, professionally, and with integrity.


  1. I didn't read this book, but it seems like it would be a huge help! Social media is by far the most dominate form of advertising these days, so it makes sense that you would want to have a strong social media presence. Also, like the author said, it's smart to keep your Instagram professional like a LinkedIn because it makes your business seem more serious while maintaining the new social media feel.

  2. Hi Megan! This book definitely gives some good advice on using social media wisely and to your benefit. My reporting professor had us change our profile pictures on all social media based on the similar advice that you shared on your post. That single picture can leave a huge impact someone. Not only can you use these tips for your personal uses, but also to engage your audience professionally. Stay relevant and put yourself out there!

  3. This book was very helpful in providing good advice on using social media in a positive manner. Some people view social media simply as a means of getting themselves in the eyes of others. That is why I thought this book was interesting, since it showed the other benefits of social media use. I think this book would be especially helpful to your business.
