Monday, April 16, 2018

Exit Strategy

My business isn't really something I can sell.  I plan to be a coach for a long time.  This job is one I can do from anywhere in the world, anytime, from my laptop, so I plan to do it as long as I can.  Further, I imagine marrying someone with very similar interests as me (my bf now is also a bodybuilder) and I want to build a brand together, coaching clients and working together.  Again, since we can do this anywhere, on our terms, I can see this being our career for years to come.  Later on down the road I want to open my own gym, and settle down and have a family.  But even then I could keep my business(es).  I kinda just plan to feel this one out as I go.

This isn't a very specific exit strategy, but I love what I do and can do it from anywhere, anytime, and plan to do it as long as I can, or as long as I enjoy it.  If I have established enough other revenue generators by the time I settle down and have a family, then I'll probably slow down on the coaching somewhat.  But either way, I think the entrepreneurial life is one that will allow me to have the time to focus on a family the way I want, rather than working a 9-5 and hardly being around.

I don't think my exit strategy has really influenced any of my decisions this far.  As I've mentioned I want to grow my personal brand, coach clients, then expand to selling other things like ebooks, workout plans, challenges, merchandise and eventually opening a gym.  Once I have those things generating revenue I may do less one-on-one coaching and focus more on my family.  Overall I think since this business idea is a service, it isn't something I could sell, and I think mostly my goals for my personal life shape my goals for my business in the future.


  1. Hi Megan! I think in your scenario, you do not need an exit strategy. Your love for health, fitness, and wellness will take you far into the career you have dreamed of. All of your passions have lead you to where you are, and will continue to help you expand. Whether that is opening a gym or having a family, do not forget about your dreams when the path gets tough. Make sure each decision you make gets you to a life full of happiness.

  2. I agree that there does not really seem to be an exit strategy for you with your business. You cannot sell it, since it really is just you and your knowledge. However, like you said, you could just reduce your hours when you feel like you have worked enough or want to focus on your family. Opening your own gym is a good transition that I could see working for you, once you have built enough cliental.
